Personal data protection

Distica has adopted a policy and guidelines for the processing of personal data to ensure compliance with The Act No. 90/2018 (Icelandic Act on the Protection and Processing of Personal Data).

Personal data protection

Click here to open Distica's data protection policy.


All inquiries regarding privacy may be sent to


Cookies are small text files that the browser downloads for the first time on a website. Cookies store information that the website uses, among other things, to improve the user's experience and to monitor and analyze the use of the website. See more here.

Distica uses cookies to analyze site usage in order to make the site even better and more accessible to users and to increase service levels.

Distica uses Google Analytics to collect cookies for web tracking. Google Analytics anonymously collects information and reports on site development without reporting individual users or personal information. This information may be used in the improvement and development of the Web, e.g. about the content most users are looking for. The information is recorded with the help and use of cookies. Also, cookies of previous user's visits and user's settings are remembered for a specified period of time. No personal information is stored about users based on this information. Learn more about Google Analytics here and here.

If you do not want to use cookies, you can change the settings in the browser you are using so that they are not saved or the browser requests user permission first. Information about deleting cookie settings can be accessed here.

Forwarding personally identifiable data to third parties

Distica undertakes to safeguard the above information in a safe and secure manner.

However, with our use of Google Analytics, we transmit impersonal access data, i.e. when the website was visited , how long and from where and so on for statistical information. We then use this to refine our web site.


Distica reserves the right to change these terms, as needed. When they change, you will need to accept the terms again.