Distica specializes in the distribution of pharmaceutical products, healthcare products, consumer goods and products for the healthcare sector and laboratories. Distica has been a leading player in the field for over 60 years.
Distica boasts a 70% market share of pharmaceutical distribution in Iceland, while also distributing research equipment, operational products and other materials to hospitals, nursing homes, dentists and veterinarians. Distica also distributes consumer goods to businesses.
Distribution Services
Distica offers comprehensive solutions in the field of import, product management and distribution. Distica specializes in the distribution of medicinal products, healthcare products and products for the healthcare sector and laboratories, while also distributing a range of products to businesses, dentists, veterinarians, pet stores and others.
We offer our customers the following services:
- Purchasing
- Logistics
- Import
- Customs Clearance
- Inventory Management
- Stockholding
- Packaging
- Receipt of Orders
- Distribution
- Invoicing
- Debt Collection

Distica offers approximately 16,000 different products from almost 300 suppliers.
For details regarding picking in warehouses, the packaging, labeling and storage of medicinal products for transport to customers, please consult Distica's procedures manual. It is incumbent upon Distica's warehouse supervisor to ensure that the picking, the packaging, labeling and transportation of medicinal products to customers complies with these standards.

Compilation of Orders
Distica's Order Compilation and Packaging division oversees the compilation of products according to customers' orders. They are packaged and readied for discharge to customers. The compilation process is directed by the warehouse management system, which specifies in what order, from what zone, what type of product and how the products shall be packaged, always in accordance with each product's storage condition.

Upon the completion of the compilation process, the product is packaged according to its specifications. With regard to the packaging of medicinal products, packaging materials must meet the specifications detailed in Distica's rules regarding the transportation of pharmaceutical products. Warehouse employees package products for transportation, ensuring that it is neither damaged during transportation nor that its quality is compromised. The packaging is sealed and taped with packing tape so that the customer is able to see if the package has been opened during the transport process. A waybill accompanies the customer's order.

Delivery to Customers
Distica handles distribution of medicinal and healthcare products in the Reykjavik metropolitan area and collaborates with Iceland Post (Íslandspóstur) in other areas of Iceland. Products are transported on a daily basis to customers nationwide. Distica distributes to around 700-800 destinations.
Medicinal products may only be shipped via approved carriers, unless customers stipulate otherwise. In such instances, customers must bear the shipping cost themselves, thereby bearing responsibility for the transportation (see E511). Carriers that deliver shipments to customers in the capital region ask customers to confirm the delivery with their signature.

Process Monitoring
With the establishment of Controlant Ltd. in 2010, Distica developed a solution regarding the monitoring of temperature during transportation, i.e. special temperature loggers that relay information and warnings in real time via a web interface. This allows Distica's customer service to monitor the temperature of products during transport.